Sunday, May 20, 2007

Virginia & Truckee Railroad - Virginia City, Nevada

The Virginia and Truckee Railroad is a source of confusion for me. I had long heard of it and envisioned it as a first class operation. But I kept having a hard time finding information on it. Although one web site said it operated daily, I couldn't find exactly what time of day or trip cost or equipment or a map to get there. Eventually I pieced together enough info to get there and I have to say I was disappointed. The first thing I saw was a nicely restored Virginia & Truckee depot but it turned out to be a private residence and not part of the operation. Then I spotted the old passenger car that was the ticket office and gift shop, porta-potty around back. The hours of operation were posted next to the door and the next train was in a few minutes but I was told they had left late on the previous train so they were not sure when it would be back. When the train arrived, it was pulled by a garish little switcher and had two cars, one covered, one not. Perhaps they have a steamer somewhere, I didn't ask. Seats were flat wooden benches down the sides and the middle. One unusual feature in the covered car was a bay-window section right in the middle on both sides. I used that to get the picture on the right. The trip was just a 2-1/2 miles out then back and was "actually" quite interesting and scenic. The conductor/guide could have used the word "actually" about a hundred fewer times but he did provide interesting information.

One of the other confusing things about this railroad is the great plan that someone has for the future. In my research, I found a web site for a group called the Northern Nevada Railway Foundation, Inc. Their web site "" documents the efforts to extend the current 2-1/2 half miles of track all the way back down it's original route into Carson City. However, there is another web site for the Virginia & Truckee Railway Reconstruction Project that seems to be more up-to-date. It documents the future expenditure of 36 million dollars to do this reconstruction. Wow ... wish we could get that kind of excursion railroad money down in Texas.


Private Sibyl said...

Looks like you've written the definitive info on the Virginia & Truckee RR. Happy rails to you.

Railadventures said...

Lots of new things at the Virginia & Truckee Railroad for 2009. Steam engine #29 will be running daily, with "new" restored early 1900's coaches. Join us for a fun trip and the history of the Comstock.

Craig Brinkman
Director, Marketing
V&T Railroad Company

VandT Railfan said...

You just barely missed the season launch featuring the #29 steam train this last weekend. The official site for the V&T is

The guy who says actually is actually Randy, I have noticed that too. It seems to be a Virginia City thing, next door is a mine/mill where the sign says, "See gold actually milled!"

The Reconstruction project is a separate federally funded project. Most of what you read on and is propaganda that hides the poor behavior of the Commission to Reconstruct the Virginia and Truckee Railway.

I have a blog with info and links about the re-con project at

Again, sorry you missed steam. The Virginia and Truckee Railroad has been operating for 34 years without government subsidy. They are currently refurbishing some classier cars, the Gold Hill and the Silver City. Acquired from the Green Bay railroad museum, these historic cars feature open platforms and clerestory windows. They have the real old west look.

Wanderin Bill said...

Actually (sorry I couldn't resist) I missed it by over two years. Note the date of my post was 2007 not 2009. Hope things work out well there, might get back through in 2010.